Tuesday, March 11, 2025

After You Relocate

During the First Week After Moving

  • Locate police and fire stations as well as hospitals and gas stations near your home.
  • Scout your new neighborhood for shopping areas. You may need furniture, tools or housewares unexpectedly.
  • Call the Department of Sanitation in your new town to find out which day the trash is collected. Also ask whether your new community has recycling programs.
  • Seek out new service providers such as a bank, cleaners, veterinarian.
  • Register to vote. Call your local board of elections for specific registration information. Ask them how to notify your previous voting district of your change of address.
  • If you have moved into a different state, contact the Department of Motor Vehicles to exchange your driver's license.
  • Call your Chamber of Commerce for helpful information on: schools, cable service, cultural events and community activities, Libraries and parks, and availability of emergency calling services, such as 911.
  • Provide your new doctor and dentist with your medical history. You may need to request your file from your previous doctor/dentist.
  • Transfer insurance policies to an agent in your new community. You may also wish to make a detailed list of your belongings, their value and your coverage.
  • Give your new home a good cleaning.
  • Moving can be stressful. Watch for effects on family members and pets so you can give comfort and a helping hand.

Bentley and Leenher Mortgage Consulting LLC | Ph: (512) 402-0309

6403 Steer Trail | Austin, TX 78749
NMLS# 286468